During the 2021-22 fiscal year, the Human Trafficking Unit of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation processed 1,268 human sex-trafficking tips. Of those, 621 tips involved minors. With more than 50 million people across the globe reportedly being trafficked or living in modern slavery, organizations are working to bring awareness to trafficking victims.
The Tennessee Historical Commission has announced a new grant fund to restore National Register-listed historic properties in Tennessee. Two million dollars in funding will be available from the Historic Property/Land Acquisition Fund (HPLAF) Grant Program this year. Applications are open now through Aug. 31, 2024.
Friday kicks off the early-voting period for this year’s Aug. 1 State Primary and County General Election. Across Overton County, voters will have the option to cast a ballot for school-board …
The Tennessee Highway Patrol reports that a man who fled from officers after he apparently gained control of a patrol vehicle is now in custody. A multi-agency manhunt was underway last week when officers responded to a vehicle at the Buffalo Valley rest stop on June 30.
As Tennessee ushered in the new fiscal year on July 1, new Tennessee laws passed by the General Assembly will go into effect. Senate Republican Caucus Chairman Ken Yager (R-Kingston) took a big stride in protecting children by co-sponsoring legislation that allows the death penalty for the crime of child rape and supported his local communities by sponsoring legislation that helps rural Tennessee.
A weekend crash left two dead and one injured on Highway 111 in Overton County.
No matter the weather, weeds seem to thrive and reproduce, and if left unchecked, they can overwhelm the garden and gardener.
He had been thinking about it for quite some time. One morning in early January, 57-year-old Michael Dillman got up, and decided this was the day to begin a cross-country from the State of Maine to San Francisco, CA via his mountain bike. He called his boss at Rice GMC, an auto dealership, and informed him of his plans.
The Millard Oakley Public Library will be closed on July 4 for the Independence Day Holiday. A sincere thank you to our entertainers for June. Mrs. Nicole and the Overton County 4-H, Ollie Otter, Livingston office of Overton County Farm Bureau, and State Trooper Jordan Danner have all provided information and entertainment for our summer readers
A Tennessee Tech University professor who specializes in additive manufacturing processes – or 3D printing – shared expertise and equipment with an exclusive group of other educators from three states this summer.
When high temperatures arrive in the summer months, cool season grasses like fescues and orchardgrass become semi- dormant.
Here is a summary of the new laws passed by the 113th Tennessee General that are now effective as of Monday, July 1, 2024 in Tennessee:
CROSSVILLE - Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency officers, along with several other local agencies, recovered the body of a 17-year-old Hamilton County resident
Tennessee’s Health Commissioner was in Putnam County at the end of May to recognize the health care improvement projects planned for the Putnam County Health Department and Cookeville Regional Medical Center as part of the Tennessee Department of Health’s statewide effort to expand Tennessee’s capacity to deliver quality healthcare services.
The Town of Livingston will have a woman leading them into the future after nearly half of the voters who turned out on Tuesday, June 4, cast a ballot for Lori Elder Burnett. All results are …
Of the town of Livingston’s 2,680 registered voters, a little more than 30 percent turned out last week to elect a new mayor, as well as three aldermen. Mayor Curtis Hayes announced plans …
The Town of Livingston will have a woman leading them into the future after nearly half of the voters who turned out on Tuesday cast a ballot for Lori Elder Burnett.
KINDERGARTEN BOUND - Students from Patsy Ann's Child Care are Kindergarten bound. Pictured from left are Mateo Dean (son of Theresa Dean) Elha Kenworthy (daughter of Cody & Christina Kenworthy) …
As Tennessee gears up for the Aug. 1 State and Federal Primaries and the Nov. 5 State and Federal General Election, many election administrators across the state are scrambling for poll workers. …
Editor’s Note: The information for the court report comes from information obtained from court records. Every effort is made to be accurate; however, mistakes can occur. The names of …
A head-on collision on Highway 52 left one individual dead. The incident occurred when one vehicle crossed into oncoming traffic striking a semi. According to preliminary reports from the …
The conditions were right on Wednesday, May 8, for a tornado. Parts of Overton County were under a Tornado Warning Wednesday morning then again Wednesday evening, but there were no confirmed …
Overton Extension along with the Upper Cumberland Extension Team is conducting the annual Women in Agriculture Summit Thursday, May 30, in Overton County. This is the first time the event will …
Are you interested in learning how to use solar power to provide clean water to your livestock, garden, lawn or any other item that requires water? If so, please check out the upcoming free event …