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Photo Gallery: Americans watch Trump and Biden in election debate

U.S. President Joe Biden and his Republican rival, former President Donald Trump, met for the first general election debate of the 2024 season — a chance for the candidates to try to reshape the political narrative and persuade undecided voters. Thursday’s 90-minute debate was held in Atlanta and hosted by CNN. Americans with varying opinions on the nation's most pressing issues gathered at venues across the country for watch parties. Elaine Freeman, a Trump supporter from Oxford, Ohio, and employee at the local Veterans Affairs hospital, said the economy is the most important issue in this election. For her family, the cost of living is too high and she has trouble covering the cost of basics like groceries every week. “For what I make, 15 years ago I would be considered upper middle class,” said Freeman, who watched at an event in Hamilton, Ohio. “I should not be living paycheck to paycheck.” Adriana Varea, a policy and legislation fellow for the League of United Latin American...

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