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OCS Students To Receive Free Breakfast and Lunches


The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) is a federal program that allows schools and school districts to provide free breakfast and lunch to all students. This program eliminates the need for household applications, making it easier for schools to serve meals at no cost to students.

Overton County Schools is excited to announce that the district qualifies for CEP for the 2024-2025 school year, which means all Overton County Schools students will be served breakfast and lunch at no cost. However, there will still be a charge for extras or à la carte items.

By participating in CEP, schools can ensure that every student has access to healthy meals, which can support better learning and overall well-being.

This effort was coordinated by the district's Supervisor of School Nutrition, Debbie Taylor. The district appreciates the hard work of its administrators in ensuring that the transition to the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) positively impacts not only school nutrition but also other programs that rely on free or reduced meal applications for funding.

Families do not need to do anything to receive the benefit of this program and students will receive the free meals with the start of the school year.

In other school-district announcements, the first day of classes is Friday. School registration is being held today (Tuesday, July 30). The system announced the “Skyward Family Access” portal will officially open Aug. 1. Officials announced with the recent growth, it will be difficult to know how many classrooms will be needed until after registration.

Rosters will be available for all students on the first day for those who don’t know their homeroom class.

AH Roberts Elementary School families are welcome to walk their students to class until the “Independence Day” Celebration on Aug. 19.

Those wanting to walk their child to class after that date will be asked to check in with the elementary school’s front office through the visitor management system.

For additional, district-wide updates, visit

Community Eligibility Provision, Overton County Schools, Free Breakfast and Lunch