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An 1807 mountain rifle built by Joel Atkinson, and on loan from a private collector was the oldest item in the collection at the Monterey Depot. That was until Dr. Sam Barnes brought in an 1802 rifling bench that more than likely rifeld the barrel of the old weapon. Joel Atkisnon, born in 1780, in Virginia, came to Fentress County around 1840. The full-stock Walnut rifle was believed to be built along the Tennessee-Kentucky border. The .32 caliber rifle was originally purchased by a Mr. John Sloan after it was built. Rifling was a process of cutting grooves inside the barrel, to make the bullet spin, being more accurate. Atkinson owned the 0802 rifling bench and probably used it in the building of the 1807 rifle, now owned by Dr. Sam Barnes, of Cookeville, and restored by Harold Boswell, of Monterey. Pictured with the rifling bench is Dr. Sam Barnes.